Abraham’s Promise

Abram would become Abraham. He had faith in God’s promise before seeing the results and is an example of faith for us today.

Genesis 12:1–8, 15:1–6, Galatians 3:6-9

Genesis 12:1–8, 15:1–6

Discovery Question Ideas

  • How is the promise to Abram similar to Adam and Noah’s promise?
  • In Gen 12:1, who also will be blessed?
  • In chapter 15, who would be the real heir?
  • What did the stars represent?

For more of this story, God reaffirmed the promise and changed Abram’s name to Abraham in Genesis 17:5.

Galatians 3:6-9

Discovery Question Ideas

  • Does Gal 3:6 sound familiar?
  • Who are now sons of Abraham?
  • Who is now blessed?

God’s promise to Abraham was for all nations and all people. Jesus reveal the spiritual truth of that promise received by faith. We are blessed to spiritually multiply. Disciples make disciple-makers. Kind after kind.

Disciple Trait To Put Into Action!

Radical Disciple-Makers.

A disciple is a disciple-maker. You can’t be one without the other!

Scripture quotes:

“…go make disciples …each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved… more and more believers were added to their numbers…”

Disciples make disciple-makers!

  • Who am I discipling?

Additional Study:

Matthew 28:20 | Acts 2:48, 5:14 | 1 Cor 9:22-23, 16:14 |

Romans 10:14-15 | 2 Timothy 2:2