The Plan For Man
We’re discovering the plan God put into place creating mankind. God’s way is better but He even planned for our mistakes.
Genesis 2:4-24, 1 Corinthians 15:45-49
Genesis 2:4-24
Discovery Question Ideas
- How was the land watered without rain?
- How does this relate to Genesis 1:7?
- How did God make man?
- How does man reflect God’s image
- What two trees were in the middle of Eden?
- Where are these rivers?
- What was man’s job?
- What rule was man given?
- How was woman created?
1 Corinthians 15:45-49 (Also read the NET version for vs 49)
Discovery Question Ideas
- How did the first Adam become a living being?
- How is the last Adam different?
- The first Adam is from? The last Adam?
- Vs 49 – Who’s image are we to bear now?
- How do we do that?
Man’s creation wasn’t an experiment, but a plan. Our redemption in Christ was patterned from the very beginning. Obedience is part of the original plan.
Disciple Trait To Put Into Action!
Fiercely Devoted To Obeying Scripture.
Reading, memorizing and studying Scripture isn’t optional; it’s spiritual oxygen!
Scripture quotes:
“…devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching… daily in the Temple (where the Bible was read)… searched the scriptures day after day…”
The Bible comes alive when we apply it!
- What does God say about it?
Additional Study: