Our Story
This is how we got here.Pastor Aubrey & Tangi Robertson
September 17, 2017, Aubrey & Tangi with a fantastic launch TEAM started a life-giving church called Today.Church in Hudson Oaks, Texas. They were high school sweethearts and now have six children plus five grandkids!

Why We Planted A Church
Within a 20 mile radius of Hudson Oaks, 44% of the population has no religious affiliation. That’s more than 160,000 people who don’t know Jesus. How can we reach them? Statistics show that church planting is the most effective way to reach the unchurched, and there are hundreds of thousands around us who need to hear about Jesus.
Around 4,000 churches will close this year in the United States while less than 1,500 will be started to take their place. Today.Church was launched to help fill that gap.
Today.Church is everyday disciples of Jesus who #lovefirst as friends, Life Groups, House Churches, and all together as The Church reaching and serving others.