Jesus Is Betrayed

Matthew 26:17-30, John 6:47-58

Matthew 26:17-30

Discovery Questions

  • What does this tell you about God?
  • What does this tell you about mankind?
  • How can you obey or put these truths into action?

John 6:47-58

Discovery Questions

  • What does this tell you about God?
  • What does this tell you about mankind?
  • How can you obey or put these truths into action?

Team Value To Put Into Action!

Attitude Matters. Complaining Doesn’t Solve Problems!

We never complain without offering solutions.

Complaining to complain is the devil’s job!

  • How can I make it better?

Additional Study:

Psalm 106:25 | Proverbs 3:6 | Philippians 4:8-9; 4:19 |

Ephesians 4:29 | James 1:2-5; 5:9