Digital File Naming Convention
Elements: Entity – Project, Item or Document Title – Date (of authorship or publish/due date if deadline exists) revision number (optional for versioning)
- tc-brand-logo-white-on-clear-20220110v1
Detailed Instructions:
File names should contain no spaces (dashed instead), limited special characters and be lower case.
An abbreviation of the individual, group or organization publishing the content. Initials only with no punctuation marks. Authorship, if needed, should be included in the file or document itself.
- tc = Today.Church general files
- ar = Aubrey Robertson
- cr = Celebrate Recovery
- lg = Life Groups
- wtc = Welcome to Church
- tck = t.c Kids
Make sure that those who are producing content for your team or project know the correct entity abbreviation to use.
Project, item or Document Title
A full description both of what the file is called and what its intended purpose is. For instance, the title of the sermon and that it’s a sermon. Keep it simple but informative. No non-standard abbreviations. The goal is for everyone to know immediately the name or title and intended purpose. If the title is part of a collection that needs a designation, like a sermon series for instance, use an underscore between the collection and title. If the same image or item has different sizes, formats or colors – include that at the end of the title.
- Sermon = tc-faith-forwardwait-for-it-sermon-20220109.pdf
- Serve TEAM Orientation Guide = st-orientation-guide-20220110.pdf
- Event graphic for web and screen = tc-evening-prayer-graphic-fb-event-20220227 | tc-evening-prayer-graphic-screen-20220227
- Full and small transparent colored logo = tc-brand-logo-prime-on-clear-20200419 (full size) | tc-brand-logo-prime-on-clear-200px-20200419 (200px wide)
Date & Version
Preceded with a dash in numerical year (4-digit), month (2-digit), day format (2-digit). If the item or project has a publish deadline or a due date, that should be the project date. For general use items and projects the date of authorship/creation should be used. Revisions should be created with version numbers AND a different date if the deadline changes or if it’s a major revamp.)
- 1st Logo prime color icon revision = tc-brand-icon-color-on-white-20220316v1
- This training guide (no due date, no published revisions) = t.c-files-folders-and-formats-guide-20220110
- This training guide as part of a Brand Standards project = tc-brand-standardsfiles-folders-and-formats-guide-20220110
Project and Team Digital Folder Structure
Team Share Root Folder Structure
The starting point for projects and one-off deliverables. Items shouldn’t stay in this folder long but should quickly be moved as the priority is decided.
Items and projects in progress that have a deadline or top priority.
Items and projects with repeated deliverables to be created at regular intervals. Subfolders as needed.
- /Daily
- /Weekly
- /Monthly
- /Quarterly
- /Annual
Things still on the to-do list but with a future calendar date (in filename and on task calendar.). If delegated, the project or item should be transferred to the appropriate team inbox.
- /Until
- /Outsourced
Ta-done! Current year’s completed things.
Wishlist or future items and projects
The library of shared or team wide reference documentation and assets that can be retrieved as needed.
Things more than a year old, in annual folders moving forward.
Project Folders
If something being worked on has more than one file, it belongs in a project folder named as outlined above.
Ideas, brainstorming, unassigned tasks or resources.
Production source files like Photoshop or Pages. Subfolders if there are many deliverables:
- /Writing
- /Graphics
- /Motion
- /Data
Project deliverables like images and documents go here. Subfolders as needed:
- /Images
- /Documents
- /Video
The library of share or team wide reference documentation and assets that can be retrieved as needed.
”Whatchoo lookin’ at?”
- /Inbox
- /Resources
- /Archive
- /Creative
- /Writing
- /Graphics
- /Motion
- /Production
- /Digital
- /Web
- /Ministries
- /Worship
- /Music
- /Tech
- /Speaking
- /Impressions
- /Disciple
- Church
- Groups
- DMM (Disciple Making Movement)
- Teams
- Kids
- Youth
- Outreach
- Prayer
- /Online
- Social
- Website
- Campus
- Connect
- Planning Center
- People
- Events
- Schedule
- Giving
- App
- Text
- Chat
- Virtual
- Planning Center
- /Worship
Physical Labels For Things
Elements: Entity & Team or Location (if specific or needed) Descriptive Name (Simple name of the item or product)
Physical Asset Label = t.c T8 Center Camera | t.c T8 HsRt Tripod
File Folder = CR TEAM Values, CR t.c PRO Values
Detailed Instructions:
Physical label names should contain spaces and be Title Case.