This 260 Plan is five days a week by design. Weekends are great to catch up and for additional reading. Each weekend the plan features additional reading and study options.
Sin’s Consequences
Man’s rebellion against God’s way brought death and brokenness. Jesus conquered death and sin for us.
Genesis 3:14-24, Romans 6:23, 1 Corinthians 15:22-26
Genesis 3:14-24
Discovery Question Ideas
- What were the consequences for the serpent?
- What about consequences for the woman?
- What about for man?
- Where did the their clothes come from?
- What were they banished from?
Sin brought brokenness, pain, conflict and death.
Romans 6:23
Discovery Question Ideas
- What is a wage?
- What are the results of sin?
- What’s the difference between a wage and a gift?
- Who is life given through?
We can’t earn a free gift. We don’t get what we deserve because of sin, we get eternal life because of what Jesus did for us.
1 Corinthians 15:22-26
Discovery Question Ideas
- Death came through what man?
- Resurrection life is through what man?
- Who reigns in God’s Kingdom?
- What is the final enemy to be destroyed?
Jesus is the only way out of the deadly consequences of sin and into God’s Kingdom.
Disciple Trait To Put Into Action!
Empowered By The Holy Spirit.
We have supernatural help to do what Jesus commanded!
Scripture quotes:
“…you will receive power… they were all filled… this promise is to you… many miraculous signs and wonders… testified powerfully…”
Disciples are filled with power to change the world!
- Am I a powerful witness?
Additional Study:
Mark 16:17-18 | John 20:21-22 | Acts 1:8, 2:4, 38-39, 43 |
1 Corinthians 12:31, 14:12 | Jude 1:20
About This Plan
This plan is not designed to be read alone, but studied and discussed with other believers.
If you fall behind, don't worry about it. Catch up as much as possible, or just start fresh on a new day. It's more important to enjoy reading than to check off a to-do list. The plan is scheduled Monday through Friday to give two days of extra reading or to catch up on missed days. There are also additional reading and study options for the weekend.
This yearly plan will take you through the New Testament twice a year, and the Old Testament once a year. It's also divided into sections for those with different reading goals. Families might read Jesus Said and the Gospel sections together. If you are just getting started and seem overwhelmed, try as much as you can, but it's okay to only read one or two sections to start with.
Just finished reading today’s Bible scriptures. Always the best beginning to my day.