Results matter.

But it’s also true that results don’t matter.

The difference between success and failure is this. Success continues to do the right thing even when the results aren’t visible. Faith alone isn’t enough.

Faithfulness is the key.

I just completed day 6 of a one year bible plan. The goal is clear – read the whole bible. If I focus on the 359 days of reading still left, where I am right now would seem like a failure. I’m no where near that goal! But to see the end result, I don’t have to be faithful for 12 months right now. I just have to be faithful today.

Seeing that little green completed check mark today is reason to celebrate! I could believe that at some point, I will read the whole bible this year. But faith without works is dead. Today the only result I can see is that I stuck to the plan.

We talk about faith a lot, but really what we need to focus on is faithfulness. You can’t have faithfulness yesterday or tomorrow. Only #today!

Faith without faithfulness is like a car without fuel. It goes nowhere.

What result would you like to see? Don’t try to climb the whole mountain. Even baby steps in the right direction get you closer to the mountaintop! Jesus said:

“If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities. Luke 16:10 (NLT)

Large scale success begins with small daily commitments. Start today. Check one thing off of that to do list. And celebrate the results that matter.
