I never thought that not having a place to meet on Sunday mornings would be a good thing. Yet, this process Today.Church has been going through is an opportunity, not an obstacle.
Are you excited about not “having” church? I am. The goal is to BE THE CHURCH – whatever that looks like…
For years, we have been fasting and praying that God would allow us to be part of “church” like it was in Acts 2. Not just filled with the Holy Spirit, but also filled with love for one another – in unity obeying scripture, praying, joyfully sharing meals together house to house, worshiping, giving, serving, and sharing with those in need with ridiculous generosity. (See Acts 2:36-47)
Many focus on the “in the Temple” part of that story, but without the other attributes, how will we ever see “The Lord added to the church DAILY!”
Back in November, I posted about this vision and direction (linked below). We are finally seeing it! While we won’t have an in person Sunday morning service this week, there have already been two house church gatherings, and we have Coffee House church Saturday night, and will be launching another new house church Sunday night.
For the foreseeable future the plan is to have an “All Together” gathering a couple of times a month. The next one will be June the 18th, 10am at the Cherry Park building (it was only available that Sunday).
Here’s what to expect on the 18th… we are going to model what a house church gathering is really like. Think of it as a really big living room! We will sing, have communion, pray and read Scripture together.
Our prayerful goal is to continue to launch house churches and make disciples that make disciple-makers. But understand this, it’s not a Today.Church thing, it’s a THE Church thing.
How can we see the Book of Acts come alive in our families, neighborhoods, and community? I fully believe that as we pray, fast and continue to obey what Jesus said, we will see the things Jesus promised! Today!
If you have questions, ask. If you want to be a part, jump in! But most of all pray that God will lead and guide us to follow His will completely!
So who wants to be part of a house church movement? Let’s go make disciples!!!
If you are thinking about attending or starting a house church, I encourage you to not delay. This is where revival begins. 2 weeks into hosting my house church as a leader in training and it has been a blessing. With our girls from the sober living getting excited about learning how to be disciples they are already inviting people to Wednesday night. I am excited for them.
What are you waiting for?