Pastor's Log
Thoughts and musings about following Jesus with the occasional Star Trek reference.Our Words Matter
I’m not a politician. My goal and ambition is to be a die hard disciple of Jesus. Period. Every bit of chaos in the world right now is nothing new. It has a single root - sin. The first murder in scripture is when Cain’s anger got the best of him and he killed his...
Unintentional Racism
I’m white. Very. I call it major Caucasian. Can’t change it much. I burn in the sun pretty quick. I thought that I knew how white I am. I don’t. Every time a new video or story of racially based brutality hits, it hits me. I feel awful. How can this still be? It hurts...
Jesus Wept
Jesus wept. John 11:35 (NKJV) Sometimes the hurting don’t need advice. Sometimes they don’t need a pep talk even when you know resurrection is the answer. Jesus had the answer. He knew their pain was temporary but he paused, and wept. Although the writer doesn’t tell...
Six Things THE Church Can Still Do!
I hate not being able to “have” church. I miss people and being able to worship together. However, seeing the response to social distancing mandates from the “Church” it would seem that Jesus commanded us to “Go into all the world and gather in buildings once or twice...
This Is No Time For Fear
2 Timothy 1:7 (HCSB) For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment. First of all, don’t panic! This pandemic hasn’t somehow caught God off guard. We shouldn’t be living in a spirit of fear but in power, love and sound...
One Simple Focus
I’ve been kind of quiet for the past few weeks. Although my intent was for this blog to be a weekly thing, it’s not something I want to force. This year has been about eliminating distractions and finding focus. I wrote about that here. It’s amazing how just limiting...
5 Keys to Overcoming Guilt
Guilt! You can see it in the eyes of a toddler when they get caught in the cookie jar. But sometimes what you can’t see is even more real. Hidden guilt is diabolical. Guilt is a natural consequence of sin. You mess up, you feel bad about it. It would seem guilt should...
Faithfulness Matters
Results matter. But it’s also true that results don’t matter. The difference between success and failure is this. Success continues to do the right thing even when the results aren’t visible. Faith alone isn’t enough. Faithfulness is the key. I just...
Less Is More
This is day two. Things are already different. This year as an identity challenge to focus, I deleted all the social media and news apps from my phone. All of them. I wrote about why, here: Identity Rules. I’ve had a social media time limiter on my computer for a...
Identity Rules!
Real change begins with identity. I can’t even begin to identify how many times I’ve heard or read that. As a Jesus follower, it’s important to distinguish between a catchy phrase and a biblical principle. In Matthew 12:33 Jesus uses the analogy that the...