Fasting and Prayer Day 21 – Shin ש
Shin ש
The 21st and the next to last letter in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet is Shin ש which has a numeric value of 300. One implied meaning of Shin comes from both the original pictograph and from its use in the acrostic section of Psalm 119. These hint at things that fill or multiply. The classic Hebrew script resembles a crown with three points.
Shin ש Prayer Focus: Fruit Multiplies!
God’s pattern of creation and His promise to mankind includes, “Be fruitful and multiply.” As we consider what to focus on in prayer today, what did Jesus say about multiplying?What does that fruit look like? Jesus told us that too. At Today.Church, our vision is based on the two simple commands Jesus said were the greatest in the Kingdom and His last command – or the Great Commission.John 15:16 (NET)
16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that remains, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name he will give you.
Love God. Love people. Make disciples.Obedience to these three commands should fill our lives with more and more of the fruit of Christ-likeness. Sometimes we make it complicated, but these three categories are actually pretty simple. Love God = Our whole-hearted worship reflected in all areas of our lives. Love people = Our intentional care and compassion for others. Make disciples = Our naturally supernatural growth in obedience to Jesus’ teachings and example. The Kingdom Jesus proclaimed isn’t just a pie in the sky. The abundant life He promised is here and now and multiplies. Love grows and multiplies as we follow Jesus. Shin is also the first letter of the word for Sabbath! Jesus fulfills what that rest really means. Our fruitfulness isn’t something we take credit for or achieve by our own strength. It’s God’s love working through us as we stay connected to Jesus.
Today let’s pray for fruit that multiplies in every area of our lives! Here are some scriptures to meditate on as we pray together: (mouse over or click the scripture references)John 15:4 (NLT)
4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful unless you remain in me.
Genesis 17:6 | Deuteronomy 7:13 | John 15:8 |
Philippians 1:9-11 | Romans 12:2 | Colossians 1:10
Section ש of Psalm 119
Psalms 119:161-168 (NET) שׂ/שׁ (Sin/Shin)
161 Rulers pursue me for no reason, yet I am more afraid of disobeying your instructions. 162 I rejoice in your instructions, like one who finds much plunder. 163 I hate and despise deceit; I love your law. 164 Seven times a day I praise you because of your just regulations. 165 Those who love your law are completely secure; nothing causes them to stumble. 166 I hope for your deliverance, O LORD, and I obey your commands. 167 I keep your rules; I love them greatly. 168 I keep your precepts and rules, for you are aware of everything I do.
As we move Faith Forward into the last half 2022, join us as we set aside another 22 days to fast and pray! We are encouraging everyone to join us in praying. In addition to the daily focuses, consider setting one or more of these prayer reminders:
Early Morning: Lord’s Prayer & Psalm 23
Matthew 6:9-13 & Psalm 23
10:02 am – Workers In The Harvest
Luke 10:2
1:03 pm – Spiritual Warfare
2 Corinthians 10:3-5
4:26 pm – Open Doors For Sharing the Good News
Colossians 4:2-6
Evening: Thanksgiving & Prayer for DMM
1 Thessalonians 1:2-7
Daily Focuses
There are twenty-two letters in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet (alphabet), and each letter is rich with spiritual meaning. The Hebrew word meaning “letter” is אוֹת, which in English is transliterated as “ot”. אוֹת can also mean sign or wonder! Many Hebrew scholars believe that each letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet contains miraculous signs that point us to the wonder of God’s truth!
Below you will find more detail and links to a short devotional and prayer focus for each of the 22 days, based on the Hebrew Aleph-Bet. Comments are enabled on each page so we can encourage each other, and learn together!
A prayer group is available on the web or in our t.c Mobile App, and a virtual prayer room is linked below. Specific requests can be posted publically or privately at the prayer wall.
We are expecting God to continue to do great things in 2022. Who’s ready to fast and pray Faith Forward?
22 Days of Fasting And Prayer Devotionals
We will be focusing on a different letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet each day. According to Jewish tradition, God created the entire universe using these letters and taught them to Adam who passed them down through the generations. As we fast and pray together, we will explore the Biblical symbolism and meaning of each letter.
There will be a new post each day! If you would like more extensive self-study, here’s a link to a great resource:
The Hebrew Alphabet
There are several examples in the Bible where the writers used the Hebrew alphabet as an acrostic. (Meaning that the first word of each verse begins with each Hebrew letter in turn, from 1 through 22. The most famous example is Psalm 119, which features 22 sections of 8 verses that start with the corresponding letter. Those sections will be posted each day for reading and to guide our prayer.
Click on the title below for each day to see the full post:
Fasting and Prayer Day 11 – Kaf כ
Letter eleven of the Hebrew alphabet is called Kaf כ and has a numeric value of 20. The ancient pictograph for Kaf resembles the palm of the hand while the classic Hebrew script form somewhat resembles the crown on the head of a bowing king.
Fasting and Prayer Day 10 – Yod י
The letter י(Yod) is the tenth letter of the Aleph-Bet, having the numeric value of 10. The pictograph for Yod looks like an arm or hand. Yod is the smallest of the Hebrew letters, the “atom” of consonants, and the form from which all of the other letters begin and end. In Jewish mystical tradition, Yod indicates Gods omnipresence.
Fasting and Prayer Day 9 – Tet ט
The ninth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called “Tet.” The vowel sound is pronounced like the vowel sound in the word “late.” The numeric value for this letter is 9.
Fasting and Prayer Day 8 – Chet ח
The eighth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called “chet.” This letter is pronounced like the word “vet” or “met” with the “ch” sound at the beginning being pronounced with a slight lift on the back of the tongue like the same letters have when saying “Bach.” The numeric value of this letter is 8.
Fasting and Prayer Day 7 – Zayin ז
Letter seven in the Hebrew Aleph-Bet is Zayin ז. This letter has the very significant value of seven as well – rich in meaning. The early pictograph resembles a sword. The Hebrew word Zayin itself also has the meaning of weapon or sword.
Fasting and Prayer Day 6 – Vav ו
The letter ו (Vav) has a numeric value of 6 and of course is the sixth letter of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet. There is so much meaning with this letter. Six is the number of man, created on the sixth day. Along with Hey and Yod, Vav is also part of the name Yahweh (יהוה) The pictograph version of Vav resembles a tent peg. We will focus on that tent peg symbolism today.
Fasting and Prayer Day 5 – Hey ה
The letter ה (hey) is the fifth letter of the Aleph-Bet and is also used as the number 5. Its classic pictograph is like a man with arms raised. Jewish mystics associate this letter with the divine breath, revelation, and light.
Fasting and Prayer Day 4 – Dalet – ד
The fourth letter in the Hebrew alphabet is ד (Dalet). It also has a numerical value of four. Yesterday we discovered that the imagery of the third letter Gimmel is running after Dalet representing a poor man. The shape of the Dalet symbolizes a bent-over needy...
Fasting and Prayer Day 3 – Gimmel – ג
The letter ג (gimmel) is the third letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has the numeric value of 3. The original pictograph for ג is a camel. The pictograph can also depict a foot or man walking and some sources suggest another meaning of pride. Jewish sages have written...
Fasting and Prayer Day 2 – Bet – ב
The letter ב (bet) is the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The ancient pictograph for bet is a house or dwelling. The opening on the left side of the letter implies a window. Bet has a numerical value of two. Bet is the first letter of the first word in the...