Pastor's Log
Thoughts and musings about following Jesus with the occasional Star Trek reference.
Will You Be A Prayer TEAM Disciple-Maker?
Are you a prayer warrior? Are you ready to become one? We need you as a Prayer TEAM Disciple-Maker, praying specifically for a disciple-making movement.
Six Simple Steps To Pray The Jesus Way!
How’s your prayer life? If you are anything like me, prayer is always something that needs improvement. Want to pray the Jesus way?
A Real House Of Prayer
I believe God wants us to have a real House of Prayer. A literal place. A physical location. Not for church services. Not for group meetings. A public place, always open, just for prayer.
Tweets Of Repentance
Something about the self-denial of fasting breaks down barriers to self-awareness. Today I saw something that I didn’t really notice before. Ugly and evil.
Celebrating With Family
First and foremost, I’m a Jesus follower. Who gives a flip about social trends? Jesus was and is all about people. All people. “For God so loved the world…” – not just my world.
Zombies of Hypocrisy
Jesus followers have an incredible opportunity right now to be an example of a heavenly Kingdom. We have an opportunity to show that we really believe what we say we believe. Will we?
Living What We Believe
Jesus followers have an incredible opportunity right now to be an example of a heavenly Kingdom. We have an opportunity to show that we really believe what we say we believe. Will we?
Jesus In Meme Text
If Jesus were here today, who would He condemn? Us or them? How can we say we follow Jesus if we celebrate who He condemned and condemn who He never did?
Finding Jesus
Jesus isn’t lost, but so few actually find Him. At the end of Matthew, Jesus promised to always be with His disciples. But how do we find Him? Often we associate His presence with goosebumps and feelings we experience during a song or prayer time as worship. There’s...
Ground Zero
As much as I remember the horrific tragedy of this day 19 years ago, I also remember the incredible unity and respect for each other in the days following. Unfortunately it was short lived, and almost non-existent today. Jesus followers should, even in this crazy...